
The Beginning of Science. The Science of Beginning.

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Volcanism in Arizona from a Biblical Perspective

Payson First Baptist Church 303 W. Main St, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Jim Clarke

Did you know that more than 30% of the land surface in Arizona is characterized by volcanic features?  This talk shows that at one time Arizona was one of the most volcanically [...]

How Many Races Are There?

Payson Seventh Day Adventist Church 700 E Wade Ln, Payson, United States

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Kezele

Discusses what constituted a race historically from the point of view of society and past evolutionary teaching, then recounts the consequences of evolutionary thought for vario[...]

God’s Amazing Creatures #2

Payson First Baptist Church 303 W. Main St, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Kezele

This presentation covers a wide array of factual evidence about three particular creatures; Seahorses, Woodpeckers, and Butterflies, demonstrating that they could only have been[...]

Why the Big Bang Didn’t Happen

Payson First Baptist Church 303 W. Main St, Payson, AZ, United States

Division:  Gila Date:  Tuesday, July 25 Start time:  7:00pm End time:  8:30pm Location:  Payson First Baptist Church 303 W. Main St Presentation: Summary: Bio:  Joseph Kezele M.D. is a retired Emergency Department physician, Associate Professor of Biology at Arizona Christian University, and the President of AzOSA.

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Kezele

This presentation covers the following topics: distance, time, whether the universe has been expanded or stretched, whether the universe has an edge and center, or not, the Heav[...]

The Tower of Babel and Ancient Man

Payson First Church of the Nazarene 200 E. Tyler Parkway, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Michael Calcagno

This presentation looks at evidences of ancient man’s intelligence and abilities as revealed by historical documentation and recovered artifacts, in the context of a global popu[...]

Evidence of Global Catastrophe in the Four Corners Region

Payson First Church of the Nazarene 200 E. Tyler Parkway, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Michael Calcagno

In this presentation Michael takes the audience through the Four Corners area and documents lesser known geologic features which point to a world-wide catastrophic flood as oppo[...]

Two Dozen Reasons for a Biblical Account of Creation

Payson First Church of the Nazarene 200 E. Tyler Parkway, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Michael Calcagno

This presentation looks at several scientific facts from an array of disciplines which all support and confirm that the earth (and indeed the universe) did not evolve but rather[...]

“Live” Lessons from Creation

Payson First Baptist Church 303 W. Main St, Payson, AZ, United States

Presenter: Steve Lachonas

This presentation from Steve Lachonas will include several unique live animals, and show how their incredible design can teach us lessons from both God’s Word and from Creation![...]